Smallholder farmers are pivotal to ensuring food security .Efforts by developmental agencies (local and foreign), governments, NGOs in providing the needed support to empower these farmers requires local presence and expertise to deliver such impact.
At Eweko, we facilitate such partnerships within the scope and areas required leveraging on grassroots understanding and networking established with such communities “Smallholders manage over 80 per cent of the world’s estimated 500 million small farms and provide over 80 per cent of the food consumed in a large part of the developing world, contributing significantly to poverty reduction and food security” -SMALLHOLDERS, FOOD SECURITY, AND THE ENVIRONMENT (IFAD,UNEP)
Increasing the productivity of the small holders farmers and value chain actors by adopting inclusive business approaches creates ripple effects that generates
Values | Trust | Sustainability

The project is part of the intra-ACP indicative programme (2014-2020) relating to cooperation between the European Union and the ACP Group of States (11th EDF funding). It enters within the scope of intervention of mid- and long-term support to policies to build production capacity, inspire innovation and improve the viability and competitiveness of the private sector.
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2SCALE Project
2SCALE is one of the largest incubators of inclusive agribusiness in Africa. We aim to deepen and scale over 50 public-private partnerships in selected high-potential product groups in nine focus countries in Africa, offering significant and durable opportunity to at least 500,000 smallholder farmers to improve their livelihoods and to at least 2,500 SMEs to improve sales and provide jobs, while sustainably supplying food to regional, national and local markets, of which 40% will be BoP consumers.
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